Category: PHP


PHP – Heredoc & Nowdoc

Heredoc and Nowdoc are syntax features in PHP that allow for the creation of multiline strings without the need for escaping characters. These syntaxes provide a cleaner and more readable way to define strings,...


PHP – Compound Types

Compound types in PHP refer to data types that can hold multiple values or entities. These types include arrays, objects, iterables, collections, and data interchange formats like JSON. Understanding compound types is essential for...


PHP – File Include

File inclusion is a feature in PHP that allows developers to include the contents of one PHP file within another PHP file. This feature enables code reuse, modularization, and separation of concerns, making it...


PHP – Date & Time

Date and time handling is an essential aspect of web development, enabling developers to manage and manipulate temporal data effectively. In PHP, date and time functions provide robust capabilities for working with dates, times,...


PHP – Scalar Type Declarations

Scalar type declarations in PHP provide a mechanism for specifying and enforcing the types of scalar values passed to functions and methods. By declaring scalar types, developers can enhance code clarity, improve error detection,...


PHP – Return Type Declarations

Return type declarations in PHP allow developers to specify the data type of the value that a function or method should return. By declaring return types, developers can enhance code clarity, improve error detection,...