jQuery – Selectors

jQuery selectors are expressions that allow developers to select and manipulate HTML elements based on their attributes, properties, and relationships with other elements. They follow a syntax similar to CSS selectors, making them intuitive and easy to use.

Importance of jQuery Selectors

Understanding jQuery selectors is essential for efficient DOM manipulation and event handling in web development. They enable developers to interact with elements dynamically, providing a seamless user experience.

Common jQuery Selectors

Element Selector

The element selector selects all elements with a specified tag name.


ID Selector

The ID selector selects a single element with a specified ID attribute.


Class Selector

The class selector selects all elements with a specified class attribute.


Attribute Selector

The attribute selector selects elements based on their attributes and attribute values.



Descendant Selector

The descendant selector selects all elements that are descendants of a specified parent element.


Child Selector

The child selector selects all direct children of a specified parent element.



jQuery selectors are versatile and powerful tools for targeting HTML elements in web development. By understanding and utilizing various selectors, developers can manipulate DOM elements dynamically, creating engaging and interactive web applications.

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