Spring Boot McQs
Q.1 Which annotation configures the base URI for a controller in a Spring Boot REST API?
A. @RequestMapping
B. @BaseMapping
C. @WebServlet
D. @BasePath
Q.2 What feature of Spring Boot simplifies the addition of links to RESTful services dynamically?
B. Spring Data REST
C. Spring Web MVC
D. Spring Cloud
Q.3 In REST API design, what HTTP method is most commonly used to update resources?
Q.4 How can you specify a request body in a Spring Boot REST controller method?
A. Using @RequestBody
B. Using @RequestHeader
C. Using @RequestParam
D. Using @ModelAttribute
Q.5 What is the purpose of the @PathVariable annotation in Spring Boot?
A. To extract values from the URI
B. To inject query parameters into method parameters
C. To manage session attributes
D. To handle form submissions
Q.6 Which annotation is primarily used for building RESTful web services in Spring Boot?
A. @RestController
B. @Controller
C. @Repository
D. @Service
Q.7 What is a common cause of a Spring Boot configuration issue where a specific bean is not being injected as expected?
A. Incorrect bean definition in the context
B. Conditional annotations blocking bean creation
C. Incorrect profile settings activated
D. Missing component scanning configuration
Q.8 What should you check first if changes to application.properties are not reflecting in your Spring Boot application?
A. The file is located in the correct directory
B. The properties are correctly named
C. The application is restarted after changes
D. The file has the correct file permissions
Q.9 If a Spring Boot application fails to start due to a missing property in the application.properties file,
what is the solution?
A. Add the missing property to the application.properties file
B. Restart the application
C. Reinstall Spring Boot
D. None of the above
Q.10 How can you load additional application properties from an external YAML file in a Spring Boot application?
A. By using the @PropertySource annotation with the value attribute set to the YAML file path
B. By using the @Value annotation with the YAML file path
C. By using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation with the YAML file path
D. By using the @ImportResource annotation with the YAML file path
Q.11 How can you define a custom configuration property class in Spring Boot?
A. By creating a Java class and annotating it with @ConfigurationProperties
B. By creating a Java interface and implementing the PropertySource interface
C. By using the @Configuration annotation
D. By using the @Value annotation
Q.12 How can you access a property from the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application?
A. Using the @Value annotation
B. Using the Environment object
C. Using the @PropertySource annotation
D. Using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation
Q.13 What is the purpose of the @ConditionalOnProperty annotation in Spring Boot?
A. To conditionally enable or disable beans based on the presence or value of a property
B. To specify the order in which beans are initialized
C. To define properties for conditional auto-configuration
D. None of the above
Q.14 How can you specify a custom location for the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application?
A. Using the spring.config.location property
B. Using the @PropertySource annotation
C. Using the @ConfigurationProperties annotation
D. Using the @Value annotation
Q.15 What is the purpose of the @ConfigurationProperties annotation in a Spring Boot application?
A. To map properties from external sources to JavaBean properties
B. To enable Spring’s auto-configuration
C. To define application-specific properties
D. None of the above
Q.16 Which annotation is used to specify the location of the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application?
A. @PropertySource
B. @ConfigurationProperties
C. @Value
D. @SpringBootApplication
Q.17 How does Spring Boot allow overriding default configurations?
A. Using external properties files
B. Using command-line arguments
C. Using environment variables
D. All of the above
Q.18 What is the purpose of the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application?
A. To configure the application’s properties
B. To store application resources
C. To manage external dependencies
D. None of the above
Q.19 If a Spring Boot application fails to start due to a port conflict,
what is the typical solution?
A. Change the port in the properties file
B. Reinstall Spring Boot
C. Update Spring dependencies
D. Change the server
Q.20 What annotation is used to define a Spring Boot application’s main class?
A. @SpringApplication
B. @EnableAutoConfiguration
C. @SpringBootConfiguration
D. @SpringBootApplication
Q.21 What role does Spring Boot DevTools play?
A. Improving build speed
B. Automatic restart
C. Code generation
D. Dependency management
Q.22 How can you externalize configuration in a Spring Boot application?
A. Using Java files
B. Using environment variables
C. Using XML files
D. Using property files
Q.23 What is the advantage of the Spring Boot Actuator?
A. Managing app profiles
B. Enhancing app security
C. Monitoring and managing app
D. Application logging
Q.24 Spring Boot is best suited for creating what type of applications?
A. Batch applications
B. Web applications
C. Enterprise applications
D. Desktop applications
Q.25 Which module of Spring Framework is the foundation for Spring Boot?
A. Spring MVC
B. Spring Core
C. Spring AOP
D. Spring ORM
Q.26 What embedded servers does Spring Boot support?
A. Jetty
B. Tomcat
C. Undertow
D. Netty
Q.27 How does Spring Boot handle configuration?
A. Through YAML files
B. Through properties files
C. Through XML files
D. Manually via code
Q.28 What does the @SpringBootApplication annotation do?
A. Enables JDBC
B. Configures a web application
C. Declares a configuration class
D. Starts a Spring context
Q.29 Which build tool is used by Spring Boot?
A. Maven
B. Ant
C. Gradle
D. CMake
Q.30 What is the primary feature of Spring Boot?
A. Simplifies data access
B. Automates code generation
C. Simplifies project setup
D. Enhances UI design
Q.31 How does Spring Boot simplify integration testing with databases?
A. By using the @DatabaseTest annotation
B. By automatically configuring in-memory databases
C. By isolating the web layer during tests
D. By using JDBC templates
Q.32 What is the purpose of the @WebMvcTest annotation in Spring Boot testing?
A. It tests the entire application
B. It tests individual web layers only
C. It tests data layers only
D. It tests security layers only
Q.33 Which annotation is used to mock a specific bean in the Spring application context during testing?
A. @MockBean
B. @Mock
C. @Autowired
D. @InjectMock
Q.34 What annotation is primarily used to indicate a class is a Spring Boot test class?
A. @SpringBootTest
B. @Test
C. @WebMvcTest
D. @DataJpaTest
Q.35 What should you check if a user’s authentication is failing in a Spring Boot application secured with Spring Security?
A. The user’s credentials in the data source
B. The encryption algorithm used
C. The security configuration in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
D. The network settings
Q.36 How can you debug issues with role-based access controls not working as expected in Spring Boot?
A. Reviewing the roles assigned in the database
B. Checking the security configuration in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
C. Ensuring the @PreAuthorize annotations are set correctly
D. Reviewing user session settings
Q.37 If Spring Security is blocking access to a resource that should be public,
what is a common solution?
A. Adjusting the order of security rules in the configuration
B. Disabling Spring Security
C. Removing the security dependency
D. Rewriting the application logic
Q.38 What is the role of the UserDetailsService interface in Spring Security?
A. Managing user permissions
B. Retrieving user-specific data
C. Managing user sessions
D. Customizing user authentication
Q.39 How can you configure a custom login page in Spring Boot using Spring Security?
A. By overriding the default security configuration in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
B. By using the @AuthenticationPrincipal annotation
C. By using a custom UserDetailsService implementation
D. By annotating a controller with @LoginController
Q.40 Which annotation is used to enable Spring Security’s web security support in a Spring Boot application?
A. @EnableWebSecurity
B. @EnableWebMvc
C. @EnableTransactionManagement
D. @EnableSecurity
Q.41 In Spring Security, what is the function of the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter?
A. It is used for SQL database integration
B. It customizes web-based security
C. It manages REST API authentication
D. It handles form-based security
Q.42 How does Spring Boot automatically secure web applications?
A. By using basic authentication by default
B. By enforcing HTTPS
C. By integrating with OAuth2
D. By applying role-based access control
Q.43 What is the primary use of the @PreAuthorize annotation in Spring Security?
A. To define SQL queries
B. To restrict access to methods based on authority
C. To validate user inputs
D. To configure method-level security settings
Q.44 Which module in Spring Boot provides support for securing web applications?
A. Spring Security
B. Spring Web
C. Spring MVC
D. Spring Data
Q.45 How can you resolve a LazyInitializationException in a Spring Boot application using Hibernate?
A. By ensuring the session remains open during the access of lazily loaded properties
B. By marking all associations as EAGER
C. By using the @Transactional annotation during data access
D. All of the above
Q.46 If a Spring Boot application fails to connect to the database,
what could be potential issues to check?
A. Incorrect database URL or credentials in properties file
B. Network issues
C. Incorrect driver configuration
D. All of the above
Q.47 What common issue might cause a DataIntegrityViolationException in a Spring Boot application using JPA?
A. Incorrect data types
B. Missing required fields
C. Constraint violations
D. All of the above
Q.48 What is the purpose of the @EnableJpaRepositories annotation in a Spring Boot application?
A. To enable support for JPA repositories
B. To configure JPA entities
C. To activate JPA query logging
D. To initialize the JPA EntityManager factory
Q.49 In Spring Data, how can you dynamically construct queries using method names in your repository interface?
A. By naming methods according to the properties of the entity classes
B. By using the @NamedMethod annotation
C. By using special keywords in method names
D. By annotating methods with @GenerateQuery
Q.50 Which annotation would you use to execute a custom query with Spring Data JPA repository?
A. @Query
B. @Select
D. @DatabaseQuery
Q.51 How does Spring Boot support database migrations?
A. Through JDBC template
B. Through Spring Data REST
C. Through the use of JPA entities
D. Through integration with tools like Flyway or Liquibase
Q.52 What role does the JdbcTemplate play in Spring Boot?
A. It provides a way to access NoSQL databases
B. It simplifies JDBC operations by handling boilerplate code
C. It manages JPA entities
D. It serves as a template for RESTful services
Q.53 How can you enable lazy loading of associations in Spring Data JPA?
A. By using the @Lazy annotation
B. By setting fetch = FetchType.LAZY on associations
C. By using the @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) annotation
D. By configuring it in the application.properties file
Q.54 What does the @Transactional annotation do in a Spring Boot application?
A. Manages the scope of a single database transaction
B. Applies a filter to a query
C. Optimizes query performance
D. Provides security for database operations
Q.55 Which Spring Boot starter is used for integrating Spring Data JPA into an application?
A. spring-boot-starter-jdbc
B. spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
C. spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
D. spring-boot-starter-data-rest
Q.56 How can you trace a request through a Spring Boot application to debug issues with REST API calls?
A. Using Spring Boot Actuator
B. Using application logs
C. Using @Trace
D. Using both Spring Boot Actuator and application logs
Q.57 If a REST API method in Spring Boot is unexpectedly returning 200 OK with an empty body,
what might be the issue?
A. The method is not annotated correctly
B. The data source is returning null
C. The method’s return type is void
D. All of the above
Q.58 A developer is encountering a 404 Not Found error when accessing a REST endpoint in Spring Boot.
What is the likely cause?
A. Incorrect URL in the request
B. Server not running
C. Endpoint not defined
D. Firewall blocking access
Q.59 What is the best practice to secure a REST API in Spring Boot?
A. Using HTTPS
B. Using Basic Auth
C. Using OAuth2
D. Using API keys
Q.60 How can you handle exceptions in a Spring Boot REST API to return a custom JSON error response?
A. Using @ControllerAdvice
B. Using @ExceptionHandler
C. Using @ErrorController
D. Using all of the above
Q. 61 How does Docker Compose benefit Spring Boot application development?
A. By providing a lightweight virtualization platform
B. By enabling the integration of multiple containers
C. By simplifying code compilation
D. By automating unit tests
Q.62 Which file is crucial for defining a container’s configuration for a Spring Boot application?
A. Dockerfile
B. docker-compose.yml
C. pom.xml
D. application.properties
Q.63 What is the primary benefit of containerizing a Spring Boot application?
A. Improved performance
B. Scalability and easy deployment
C. Enhanced security features
D. Increased storage capacity
Q.64 How can you diagnose issues with slow response times reported by the Actuator /metrics endpoint?
A. By reviewing the detailed metrics logs.
B. By increasing server resources.
C. By optimizing application code.
D. By analyzing database performance.
Q.65 What common issue might cause the Actuator /health endpoint to show a status of “DOWN”?
A. Database connectivity issues.
B. Misconfigured application properties.
C. Network problems.
D. Insufficient disk space.
Q.66 What is required to create a custom Actuator endpoint in Spring Boot?
A. Implementing the Endpoint interface.
B. Annotating a class with @Endpoint and defining read or write operations.
C. Creating a new Controller class.
D. Using the @ActuatorEndpoint annotation.
Q.67 How can you secure Spring Boot Actuator endpoints?
A. By using the Spring Security dependency.
B. By employing basic authentication.
C. By configuring HTTPS.
D. By using role-based access controls.
Q.68 Which dependency must be included in your Spring Boot project to enable Actuator support?
A. spring-boot-starter-actuator
B. spring-boot-starter-admin
C. spring-boot-starter
D. spring-boot-starter-web
Q.69 How does the /audit endpoint of Spring Boot Actuator help in application management?
A. It provides a log of security access events.
B. It tracks changes to the application code.
C. It audits database transactions.
D. It monitors user activities.
Q.70 How can you customize which endpoints are exposed by Spring Boot Actuator?
A. By modifying the application.properties file.
B. By using annotations in the application code.
C. By altering the build configuration.
D. By creating custom Actuator endpoints.
Q.71 What information can be accessed through the /metrics endpoint of Spring Boot Actuator?
A. Application performance metrics.
B. User session details.
C. Application configuration properties.
D. Security configurations.
Q.72 Which endpoint in Spring Boot Actuator provides details about the health of the application?
A. /info
B. /health
C. /metrics
D. /trace
Q.73 What is the primary purpose of Spring Boot Actuator?
A. To monitor and manage applications in production environments.
B. To enhance application security.
C. To improve data access performance.
D. To streamline application development.
Q.74 How do you handle a scenario where a microservice intermittently fails to communicate with other services?
A. Implementing retry mechanisms and fallbacks.
B. Increasing the timeout values.
C. Both of the mentioned options.
D. Redesigning the service interactions.
Q.75 What steps should you take if a particular service in a microservices architecture fails to start?
A. Check the service’s logs for errors.
B. Review the service’s configuration files.
C. Verify network connectivity.
D. All of the mentioned options.
Q.76 How can you identify performance bottlenecks in a microservice architecture using Spring Boot?
A. By using Spring Boot Actuator.
B. By analyzing log files.
C. By performing code reviews.
D. By using application performance monitoring tools.
Q.77 What is the best practice for integrating a microservices architecture with a messaging system like Kafka in Spring Boot?
A. Using Spring Integration.
B. Using Spring Cloud Stream.
C. Using direct API calls.
D. Using Spring Data.
Q.78 How do you enable a service to register with Eureka server in a Spring Boot application?
A. By annotating the main application class with @EnableEurekaClient.
B. By using @RegisterService.
C. By using @EnableDiscoveryClient.
D. By setting properties in application.yml.
Q.79 Which annotation is used to create a REST client in Spring Boot microservices?
A. @RestClient
B. @FeignClient
C. @Client
D. @RestTemplate
Q.80 What is a Circuit Breaker in microservices, and how is it implemented in Spring Boot?
A. It prevents the application from making unnecessary calls to a service that is likely down.
B. It encrypts messages between services.
C. It provides caching mechanisms.
D. It manages client-side load balancing.
Q.81 How does Spring Boot handle versioning in a microservices architecture?
A. By using URI versioning.
B. By deploying services at different endpoints.
C. By using service registries.
D. By maintaining different branches in source control.
Q.82 What is the purpose of the Discovery Server in microservices architecture using Spring Boot?
A. To provide load balancing.
B. To manage routing paths.
C. To enable service discovery and registration.
D. To handle session management.
Q.83 How does the Config Server in Spring Cloud benefit microservices?
A. It provides centralized configuration management.
B. It enhances performance optimization.
C. It offers security enhancements.
D. It manages user sessions in microservices.
Q.84 What role does Spring Cloud play in the Spring Boot microservices architecture?
A. It provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems.
B. It simplifies database integration in microservices.
C. It provides support for monolithic application development.
D. It enhances UI development for microservices.
Q.85 How can you diagnose problems with Spring Boot auto-configuration in tests?
A. By using the @AutoConfigureReport annotation
B. By reviewing the automatically generated test reports
C. By enabling detailed auto-configuration logging
D. By manual configuration review
Q. 86 If a Spring Boot test intermittently fails, what might be the probable cause?
A. Race conditions in asynchronous code
B. Constant server timeouts
C. Network issues
D. Constant database locks
Q.87 What is a common strategy to resolve issues when a test fails to load the Spring context?
A. Check for configuration errors in the test
B. Increase JVM memory
C. Rewrite the failing test
D. Update Spring Boot version
Q.88 What functionality does the @RestClientTest annotation provide in Spring Boot testing?
A. It tests REST clients
B. It tests RESTful services
C. It tests client-side responses
D. It tests server-side controllers
Q.89 How do you use the @DataJpaTest annotation in Spring Boot?
A. To test JPA repositories
B. To test JDBC operations
C. To test JSON serialization
D. To test Spring MVC controllers
Q.90 Which Spring Boot test annotation is typically used to configure JSON assertions in a test method?
A. @JsonTest
B. @JsonPathTest
C. @JsonAssert
D. @JsonInclude
Q.91 How does the Actuator ‘health’ endpoint assist in the deployment of Spring Boot applications?
A. It provides continuous integration support.
B. It monitors the health and performance of the application post-deployment.
C. It manages application scaling.
D. It enhances security protocols.
Q.92 Which feature does Spring Boot provide to simplify the deployment in cloud environments?
A. Automatic scaling
B. Built-in cloud-native features
C. Automatic resource allocation
D. All of the above
Q.93 What does the Spring Boot Maven plugin provide for application deployment?
A. It provides version management.
B. It automates the application deployment process.
C. It manages database migrations.
D. It optimizes performance.
Q.94 What is a benefit of using containerization with Docker for deploying Spring Boot applications?
A. Enhanced security features
B. Scalability and easy version control
C. Reduced memory usage
D. Automated data backups
Q.95 Which deployment option is natively supported by Spring Boot for web applications?
A. Deploying as a WAR to an external Tomcat server
B. Deploying as a standalone JAR
C. Deploying using FTP
D. Deploying via SSH
Q.96 How can you resolve issues related to external configuration properties not being recognized by a Spring Boot application?
A. Check the property file’s location and format
B. Increase logging level to debug
C. Rebuild the application
D. Change the Spring Boot version
Q.97 What should you check first if your @Conditional bean does not load in a Spring Boot application?
A. Bean definition conflicts
B. Environmental properties
C. The condition’s logic
D. Classpath issues
Q.98 What is a method for applying fine-grained traffic routing rules in a Spring Boot application when using microservices?
A. Using Spring MVC controllers
B. Using Netflix Zuul as an API gateway
C. Using Spring Data REST
D. Using the @RequestMapping annotation
Q.99 How can you dynamically switch between different data sources in a Spring Boot application based on a specific condition?
A. By using @Primary annotation on data source beans
B. By using @Conditional on data source configurations
C. By creating multiple application.properties files
D. By manually switching the bean in the context
Q.100 How do you specify a property source in a Spring Boot application if the properties file is not named application.properties?
A. By using the @PropertySource annotation
B. By modifying the spring.config.name property
C. By using the @Value annotation
D. By renaming the properties file
Q.101 What role does Spring Cloud Config play in managing Spring Boot application configurations?
A. It serves as a central server for managing external properties across all environments
B. It locally caches application properties
C. It encrypts application configurations
D. It manages version control for properties
Q.102 In what way does externalized configuration benefit a Spring Boot application?
A. It allows configurations to be changed at runtime without redeployment
B. It simplifies the codebase
C. It speeds up the boot process
D. It reduces memory usage
Q.103 How does the @Conditional annotation enhance Spring Boot’s configuration capabilities?
A. By allowing beans to be loaded based on specific conditions
B. By automatically configuring beans
C. By enhancing the security of the application
D. By optimizing performance
Q.104 What is the purpose of using @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?
A. To inject dependencies conditionally
B. To integrate third-party services
C. To enable conditional configuration based on the environment
D. To create asynchronous methods
Q.105 How can you trace and diagnose issues in a Spring Boot application using reactive programming?
A. Utilizing traditional debugging techniques
B. Incorporating logging and tracing frameworks like Sleuth
C. Using system-level monitoring tools
D. All of the above
Q.106 When debugging a non-responsive reactive API in Spring Boot,
what is an initial step to identify the issue?
A. Checking the network connections
B. Verifying the reactive chain for blocking calls
C. Increasing server resources
D. Reducing the number of API calls
Q.107 Which operator in Project Reactor is used to handle errors in a reactive stream?
A. onErrorReturn()
B. onErrorContinue()
C. onErrorStop()
D. onErrorHandle()
Q.108 What method can be used to combine multiple reactive streams in Spring Boot?
A. Flux.merge()
B. Flux.combine()
C. Flux.join()
D. Flux.zip()
Q.109 How do you define a Mono object that returns a single value asynchronously in Spring Boot’s WebFlux?
A. Using Mono.just()
B. Using Mono.create()
C. Using Mono.single()
D. Using Mono.async()
Q.110 What is the main advantage of using reactive programming for data streams in Spring Boot?
A. Increased security of data transmissions
B. Simplification of code
C. Ability to handle large numbers of concurrent data streams efficiently
D. Reduced memory usage
Q.111 How does backpressure control the flow of data in reactive programming?
A. By speeding up data flow
B. By limiting data flow based on consumer capacity
C. By encrypting data
D. By automatically storing excess data in the cloud
Q.112 In reactive programming with Spring Boot, what role does the Project Reactor play?
A. It provides a reactive library for implementing reactive APIs
B. It is a build tool
C. It is a dependency management system
D. It handles only synchronous operations
Q.113 What does the Spring WebFlux framework in Spring Boot facilitate?
A. Building synchronous, blocking web apps
B. Building reactive, non-blocking web apps
C. Automated testing of web apps
D. Building microservices
Q.114 How can you troubleshoot a Spring Boot application that starts in a Docker container but is not accessible externally?
A. Checking the Docker container logs
B. Verifying the container’s network settings
C. Ensuring the correct application port is exposed
D. All of the above
Q.115 What is a common issue when a Spring Boot application in a Docker container fails to connect to external services?
A. Incorrect network settings
B. Incompatible software versions
C. Unsupported database drivers
D. Faulty application code
Q.116 How can you optimize the build process of a Docker image for a Spring Boot application to reduce build time and size?
A. Using multi-stage builds
B. Using a single layer for all commands
C. Using uncompressed layers
D. Using larger base images
Q.117 Which command in a Dockerfile is used to copy the Spring Boot application jar into the Docker image?
Q.118 How do you specify a base image in a Dockerfile for a Spring Boot application?
A. Using the FROM directive
B. Using the BASE directive
C. Using the IMAGE directive
D. Using the SOURCE directive
Q.119 What is a best practice for managing application configurations in a containerized Spring Boot environment?
A. Storing configurations inside the container
B. Using external configuration files
C. Hard-coding configurations in the application
D. Using default configurations
Q.120 What challenge can arise when multiple Spring Boot applications are containerized and run on the same host?
A. Port conflicts
B. Memory leaks
C. Slow boot times
D. Version incompatibility
Q.121 What approach should be taken to optimize the performance of a Spring Boot application experiencing slow load times?
A. Adding more hardware resources
B. Increasing the number of application instances
C. Profiling and identifying bottlenecks
D. Reducing the amount of logging
Q.122 How can you effectively manage exceptions in a Spring Boot application?
A. By ignoring all exceptions
B. By using a global exception handler
C. By only logging exceptions to the console
D. By sending all exceptions to the client
Q.123 What is a best practice when creating RESTful APIs in Spring Boot?
A. Using only GET requests for all operations
B. Using meaningful HTTP verbs and URIs
C. Using non-standard HTTP status codes
D. Ignoring statelessness
Q.124 What annotation is used in Spring Boot to schedule a task to run at fixed intervals?
A. @Scheduled
B. @Interval
C. @FixedRate
D. @Timer
Q.125 What is the advantage of integrating Spring Boot with a CI/CD pipeline?
A. To decrease code quality
B. To automate the build and deployment processes
C. To reduce developer collaboration
D. To increase development costs
Q.126 How can Spring Boot help in improving the security of an application?
A. By enforcing strong password policies
B. By providing ready-to-use security configurations
C. By encrypting all data
D. By tracking user behavior
Q.127 What is the benefit of using Spring Boot’s devtools?
A. To speed up the development process by enabling automatic restart and live reload
B. To enhance application security
C. To compress the application code
D. To manage application dependencies
Q.128 Why is it important to keep your Spring Boot dependencies up-to-date?
A. To increase the application size
B. To improve security and performance
C. To make the application slower
D. To complicate dependency management
Q.129 What is a recommended practice for managing application configurations in Spring Boot?
A. Using hard-coded values in the code
B. Using external configuration files
C. Storing configurations in the database
D. Embedding configurations in the application
Q.130 How can the issue of missing metrics data be resolved in a Spring Boot application?
A. Ensuring correct Micrometer setup
B. Expanding the metrics storage capacity
C. Reducing the metrics collection frequency
D. Upgrading the application framework
Q.131 What initial step should be taken when a monitored metric shows unexpected spikes in a Spring Boot application?
A. Reviewing the application logs for errors
B. Increasing server resources
C. Changing the metric collection interval
D. Restarting the server
Q.132 How can you implement custom metrics in a Spring Boot application using Micrometer?
A. By using the Counter and Gauge classes from Micrometer
B. By manually logging metrics data
C. By using the Spring Boot CLI
D. By using JMX tools
Q.133 What is the purpose of using the @Timed annotation in Spring Boot applications?
A. To measure the response time of methods
B. To synchronize method executions
C. To delay method execution
D. To time database transactions
Q.134 How do custom metrics enhance monitoring in Spring Boot?
A. By allowing personalized security protocols
B. By providing detailed user analytics
C. By tailoring monitoring to specific application needs
D. By reducing data redundancy
Q.135 How does Spring Boot utilize the Actuator /metrics endpoint?
A. To configure application properties
B. To monitor application health and performance metrics
C. To manage application security
D. To handle incoming requests
Q.136 What is the significance of Micrometer in the context of Spring Boot applications?
A. It serves as an application optimizer.
B. It is a metrics integration tool.
C. It enhances code quality.
D. It manages application configurations.
Q.137 Which tool is commonly used in Spring Boot for real-time application monitoring?
A. Nagios
B. Prometheus
C. Splunk
D. New Relic
Q.138 How can you troubleshoot issues related to message order in a Kafka stream consumed by a Spring Boot application?
A. By ensuring all messages are sent to the same partition
B. By increasing the number of consumers
C. By enabling message encryption
D. By using a different message key for each message
Q.139 What should you check if messages are not being received by a Kafka Consumer in a Spring Boot application?
A. The consumer’s group configuration
B. The network connectivity
C. The topic subscription details
D. Incorrect consumer settings
Q.140 What is the advantage of enabling idempotence in a Kafka Producer configuration within a Spring Boot application?
A. To ensure messages are only processed once, even if sent multiple times
B. To increase the speed of message delivery
C. To encrypt messages
D. To automatically compress messages
Q.141 How can you configure a Kafka Producer in a Spring Boot application to send messages asynchronously?
A. By using the @Async annotation on the producer method
B. By setting enable.idempotence=true in the producer configuration
C. By specifying linger.ms greater than zero
D. By calling the send() method with a callback
Q.142 How does Kafka ensure data durability and high availability in Spring Boot applications?
A. By replicating data across multiple nodes
B. By using a single active node for data storage
C. By encrypting all stored data
D. By using cloud storage exclusively
Q.143 What is the purpose of a Kafka Consumer Group in the context of Spring Boot integration?
A. To group similar consumers for load balancing
B. To provide fault tolerance
C. To prioritize message consumption
D. To segregate consumer data
Q.144 How does Kafka’s partitioning feature enhance message processing in Spring Boot applications?
A. By allowing concurrent processing of messages
B. By encrypting messages
C. By storing messages permanently
D. By validating message integrity
Q.145 What is the primary role of Apache Kafka in a Spring Boot application?
A. To provide database capabilities
B. To serve as a messaging system
C. To handle external API calls
D. To manage application security
Q.146 How can you address a failure in a Spring Boot application when it starts but is inaccessible externally?
A. Check firewall settings and network configuration
B. Increase the logging level
C. Decrease application load
D. Replicate the environment locally
Q.147 What common issue should be checked first if a Spring Boot application fails immediately after deployment?
A. Incorrect application properties
B. Server compatibility issues
C. Network failures
D. Insufficient server resources
Q.148 What is the purpose of using a CI/CD pipeline in the context of deploying Spring Boot applications?
A. To ensure that the application is free from bugs.
B. To automate the deployment process.
C. To manage the application’s users.
D. To optimize the application’s performance.
Q.149 How can you specify the active Spring profile in a deployed application?
A. Using an environment variable
B. Modifying the application.properties directly
C. Hard-coding in the application
D. Using the Spring dashboard
Q.150 What command is used to build a Spring Boot application using Maven for deployment?
A. mvn package
B. mvn compile
C. mvn install
D. mvn deploy