PHP – Heredoc & Nowdoc

Heredoc and Nowdoc are syntax features in PHP that allow for the creation of multiline strings without the need for escaping characters. These syntaxes provide a cleaner and more readable way to define strings, especially when dealing with large blocks of text or HTML.

Heredoc Syntax

Heredoc syntax allows for the creation of multiline strings using a special syntax that resembles double quotes. The syntax begins with <<< followed by a delimiter (usually an identifier), and ends with the same delimiter on a line by itself. Variables and escape sequences within the string are still interpreted.

Nowdoc Syntax

Nowdoc syntax is similar to Heredoc syntax, but it behaves more like single quotes. It allows for the creation of multiline strings without the interpretation of variables or escape sequences. Nowdoc syntax begins with <<<‘ followed by a delimiter, and ends with the same delimiter on a line by itself.

Comparison Between Heredoc and Nowdoc

  • Interpolation: Heredoc allows variable interpolation and escape sequence interpretation, while Nowdoc does not. This makes Nowdoc useful for preserving the literal value of strings.
  • Delimiter Flexibility: Heredoc delimiters can be enclosed in double quotes, allowing for variable interpolation, while Nowdoc delimiters are always treated as literal strings.
  • Use Cases: Heredoc is often used for templates, HTML, and strings requiring variable interpolation, while Nowdoc is useful for preserving the exact string content without interpretation.

Best Practices and Considerations

When using Heredoc and Nowdoc, it’s important to choose appropriate delimiters to avoid conflicts with the string content. Additionally, ensure proper indentation and formatting for readability. Remember that Nowdoc is more suitable when variable interpolation is not desired.

Practical Applications

Let’s consider an example where we use Heredoc to define an HTML template:

In this example, we define an HTML template using Heredoc syntax, allowing for easy interpolation of variables such as $name and $email within the string.


Heredoc and Nowdoc syntaxes provide convenient ways to define multiline strings in PHP without the need for escaping characters. By understanding the differences between Heredoc and Nowdoc and their respective use cases, PHP developers can write cleaner and more maintainable code.

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