PHP – Data Types

In the realm of programming, data types play a crucial role in defining the nature of variables and how they are stored and manipulated within a script. PHP, being a dynamically typed language, supports various data types that accommodate different kinds of data. In this article, we explore PHP data types, their classifications, and practical examples of their usage.

Understanding Data Types in PHP

Data types in PHP define the type of data that can be stored in a variable. These data types can broadly be categorized into two main groups: scalar and compound.

Scalar Data Types

Scalar data types represent single values and include:

  • Integer: Whole numbers without any decimal point.
  • Float: Floating-point numbers, also known as doubles.
  • String: Sequence of characters enclosed within quotes.
  • Boolean: Represents true or false.

Compound Data Types

Compound data types are those that can hold multiple values and include:

  • Array: Ordered map that holds key-value pairs.
  • Object: Instances of user-defined classes.
  • Callable: Represents a callable entity like functions or methods.
  • Iterable: Represents a data structure that can be iterated over.

Commonly Used PHP Data Types


Integer data type represents whole numbers without any decimal point. It can be positive, negative, or zero.


Float data type represents floating-point numbers, also known as doubles, which include decimal points.


String data type represents a sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes (”) or double quotes (“”).


Boolean data type represents true or false values.


Array data type represents an ordered map that holds key-value pairs.


Object data type represents instances of user-defined classes.


Callable data type represents a callable entity like functions or methods.


Iterable data type represents a data structure that can be iterated over.



In conclusion, PHP offers a wide range of data types to accommodate various kinds of data within scripts. By understanding the classifications and practical examples of these data types, developers can effectively manipulate data and build robust applications in PHP.

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