Q.131 Identify the error in this PHP use of a templating engine: {{ echo $variable; }} A. Incorrect syntax for variable output B. Misuse of the echo command C. No error D. The variable should be inside PHP tags

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.132 In a Blade template, how do you include a sub-template (like a header or footer) into a main template? A. @include(‘header’) B. <include file=’header’> C. <?php include ‘header’; ?> D. #include’header’

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.133 What is the correct way to display a variable in a Twig template? A. {{ variable }} B. <% variable %> C. <?php echo $variable; ?> D. @variable

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.134 What is the advantage of using template inheritance in PHP templating engines? A. To allow multiple PHP versions B. To reuse code in different parts of an application C. To improve PHP performance D. To enable better database integration

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.135 How do templating engines generally output dynamic content? A. By compiling templates into PHP code B. By using AJAX calls C. By embedding JavaScript D. By direct PHP scripting in HTML files

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.136 Which popular templating engine is often used with Laravel? A. Smarty B. Blade C. Twig D. Mustache

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.137 What is the primary purpose of a templating engine in PHP? A. To increase PHP execution speed B. To manage databases C. To separate HTML from PHP logic D. To encrypt data

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.138 Spot the mistake in this AJAX request using jQuery to a PHP script: $.ajax({ type: ‘POST’, url: ‘script.php’, data: { value: ‘test’ } }); A. The type should be GET B. The data object is formatted incorrectly C. There is no mistake D. The url should point to an HTML file

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.139 Identify the issue in this PHP snippet handling an AJAX request: $data = json_decode($_POST[‘data’]); A. The $_POST array doesn’t handle JSON data correctly B. The json_decode() function is used incorrectly C. There is no issue D. The data should be accessed from $_GET instead

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.140 How can you parse JSON data sent in an AJAX request to a PHP script? A. Using json_decode() in PHP B. Using parseJSON() in PHP C. Using JSON.parse() in PHP D. Using eval() in PHP

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.141 What PHP method is generally used to access data sent via an AJAX POST request? A. $_GET[] B. $_POST[] C. $_REQUEST[] D. $_AJAX[]

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.142 In the context of AJAX, what is the role of the XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript? A. To create new XML files B. To send requests to and receive responses from a web server C. To parse XML data only D. To reload the webpage

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.143 What is necessary on the client side to initiate an AJAX request to a PHP backend? A. A PHP script on the client side B. A form submission event C. An XMLHttpRequest or a similar JavaScript API D. A direct link to the PHP file

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.144 How does PHP typically respond to an AJAX request? A. By reloading the page with new content B. By sending a JavaScript function C. By returning data, often in JSON or XML format D. By redirecting the user to a different page

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.145 What is AJAX primarily used for in web applications? A. To create faster websites B. To reload the entire webpage C. To communicate with the server asynchronously D. To increase server load

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.146 What is a common pitfall to avoid when using global variables in PHP? A. Using them to store user input directly B. Declaring them in every file C. Using them extensively throughout the application D. Initializing them in every function

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.147 Identify the best practice when naming variables and functions in PHP. A. Using short, non-descriptive names for brevity B. Using all-uppercase letters for clarity C. Using meaningful, descriptive names following a consistent naming convention D. Varying naming conventions throughout the application

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.148 How should sensitive configuration information (like database credentials) be managed in PHP applications? A. Hardcoded in the PHP files B. Stored in a separate configuration file and ignored from version control systems C. Stored in the database D. Encoded and embedded within the code

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.149 What is the best practice for handling errors in PHP to maintain code readability and manageability? A. Using die() or exit() statements B. Suppressing errors with the @ operator C. Implementing structured exception handling with try-catch blocks D. Logging errors to a file and displaying a generic error message to the user

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C
Q.150 In PHP development, what is the purpose of using a coding standard like PSR (PHP Standards Recommendations)? A. To enforce a specific framework’s best practices B. To ensure compatibility with PHP versions C. To standardize coding style and practices for better readability and maintainability D. To optimize performance

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. C

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