Q.121 Spot the mistake in this PHP and HTML integration:
A. The if statement is incorrect
B. The echo statement should not be used
C. The syntax for the disabled attribute is incorrect
D. There is no mistake
Answer. D
Q.122 Identify the error in this PHP code used within HTML:
name ?>
A. The echo statement is unnecessary inside PHP tags
B. The variable $user->name is incorrectly formatted
C. There is no error
D. The semicolon is missing after echo $user->name
Answer. D
Q.123 In a PHP script, how can you generate a list of HTML checkboxes from an array of values?
A. foreach ($values as $value) { echo “”; }
B. for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { echo “”; }
D. ‘>
Answer. A
Q.124 How can you dynamically set the class of an HTML element based on a PHP condition?
A. <div class=”<?php if ($condition) echo ‘class−one’; else echo ‘class−two’; ?>”>Content</div>
B. <div class=”$condition ? ‘class−one’ : ‘class−two'”>Content</div>
C. <div php−class=”$condition ? ‘class−one’ : ‘class−two'”>Content</div>
D. <div class=”if($condition) ‘class−one’; else ‘class−two’;”>Content</div>
Answer. A
Q.125 What is the correct way to set the value of an HTML input field using PHP?
A. <input type=”text” value=”echo $value;”>
B. <input type=”text” value=”<?php echo $value; ?>”>
C. <input type=”text” value=”$value”>
D. <input type=”text” php−value=”$value”>
Answer. B
Q.126 What is the best practice for separating PHP logic from HTML/CSS in a web application?
A. Mixing PHP and HTML/CSS in the same file
B. Using PHP solely for backend processing and HTML/CSS for the frontend
C. Using inline PHP in CSS files
D. Embedding CSS in PHP files
Answer. B
Q.127 Can CSS be used to style HTML elements generated by PHP?
A. Yes, just like any other HTML elements
B. No, PHP-generated HTML elements cannot be styled with CSS
C. Only if the CSS is embedded in PHP
D. Only with inline CSS
Answer. A
Q.128 What is the purpose of echoing HTML code in a PHP script?
A. To create a new HTML file
B. To send HTML content to the browser
C. To store HTML content in a variable
D. To style the PHP script
Answer. B
Q.129 How can PHP be integrated into an HTML file?
A. Using a separate PHP file for the backend
B. Embedding PHP code within HTML using PHP tags
C. Linking PHP files using the tag
D. Including PHP code in CSS files
Answer. B
Q.130 Spot the mistake in this Blade template code:
@foreach($items as $item)
{{ $item }}
A. Using @endfor instead of @endforeach
B. Incorrect variable interpolation
C. No mistake
D. The syntax of @foreach is incorrect
Answer. A