Q.121 Spot the mistake in this PHP and HTML integration: Submit A. The if statement is incorrect B. The echo statement should not be used C. The syntax for the disabled attribute is incorrect D. There is no mistake

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. D
Q.122 Identify the error in this PHP code used within HTML: name ?> A. The echo statement is unnecessary inside PHP tags B. The variable $user->name is incorrectly formatted C. There is no error D. The semicolon is missing after echo $user->name

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. D
Q.123 In a PHP script, how can you generate a list of HTML checkboxes from an array of values? A. foreach ($values as $value) { echo “”; } B. for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { echo “”; } C. D. ‘>

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.124 How can you dynamically set the class of an HTML element based on a PHP condition? A. <div class=”<?php if ($condition) echo ‘class−one’; else echo ‘class−two’; ?>”>Content</div> B. <div class=”$condition ? ‘class−one’ : ‘class−two'”>Content</div> C. <div php−class=”$condition ? ‘class−one’ : ‘class−two'”>Content</div> D. <div class=”if($condition) ‘class−one’; else ‘class−two’;”>Content</div>

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.125 What is the correct way to set the value of an HTML input field using PHP? A. <input type=”text” value=”echo $value;”> B. <input type=”text” value=”<?php echo $value; ?>”> C. <input type=”text” value=”$value”> D. <input type=”text” php−value=”$value”>

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.126 What is the best practice for separating PHP logic from HTML/CSS in a web application? A. Mixing PHP and HTML/CSS in the same file B. Using PHP solely for backend processing and HTML/CSS for the frontend C. Using inline PHP in CSS files D. Embedding CSS in PHP files

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Answer. B
Q.127 Can CSS be used to style HTML elements generated by PHP? A. Yes, just like any other HTML elements B. No, PHP-generated HTML elements cannot be styled with CSS C. Only if the CSS is embedded in PHP D. Only with inline CSS

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A
Q.128 What is the purpose of echoing HTML code in a PHP script? A. To create a new HTML file B. To send HTML content to the browser C. To store HTML content in a variable D. To style the PHP script

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.129 How can PHP be integrated into an HTML file? A. Using a separate PHP file for the backend B. Embedding PHP code within HTML using PHP tags C. Linking PHP files using the tag D. Including PHP code in CSS files

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. B
Q.130 Spot the mistake in this Blade template code: @foreach($items as $item) {{ $item }} @endfor A. Using @endfor instead of @endforeach B. Incorrect variable interpolation C. No mistake D. The syntax of @foreach is incorrect

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer. A

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