Node JS MCQs

Q.1. How can you handle errors when writing to a file in Node.js?

A. Use a try-catch block
B. Ignore errors
C. Reopen the file
D. Restart Node.js

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.2 What should you do if fs.readFile returns an error?

A. Retry reading the file
B. Check the file path
C. Change file permissions
D. Reboot the system

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.3 How do you check if a file exists in Node.js?

A. fs.existsSync(‘example.txt’)
B. fs.checkFile(‘example.txt’)
C. fs.exists(‘example.txt’)
D. fs.fileExists(‘example.txt’)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.4 What is the output of fs.readFileSync(‘example.txt’)?

A. A promise
B. A buffer
C. An error
D. A string

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.5 How do you read a file named ‘example.txt’ in Node.js?

A. fs.readFile(‘example.txt’, callback)
B.‘example.txt’, callback)
C.‘example.txt’, callback)
D. fs.readFile(‘example.txt’)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.6 Which method is used to append data to a file in Node.js?

A. fs.appendFile
B. fs.writeFile
C. fs.addData
D. fs.insert

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.7  How can you read the content of a directory in Node.js?

A. fs.readDir
B. fs.readDirectory
C. fs.readdir

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.8 Which method is used to open a file in Node.js?

A. fs.readFile
C. fs.write
D. fs.unlink

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.9 What does the fs.unlink method do in Node.js?

A. Reads a file
B. Writes to a file
C. Deletes a file
D. Renames a file

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.10 Which method writes data to a file in Node.js?

A. fs.readFile
B. fs.writeFile
D. fs.appendFile

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.11 Which method reads the content of a file in Node.js?

A. fs.readFile
D. fs.write

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.12 An application crashes with “Error: Cannot find module”.
What should be checked?

A. Node version
B. Module installation
C. Network connection
D. Disk space

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.13 What should you do if a module is not found?

A. Reinstall Node.js
B. Check module spelling
C. Use a different IDE
D. Update npm

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.14 How do you make a function available outside a module?

A. exports.functionName = function(){};
B. module.exports = function(){};
C. global.functionName = function(){};
D. process.functionName = function(){};

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.15 What is the output of
console.log(module.exports === exports);

A. true
B. false
C. undefined
D. null

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.16 How do you import the ‘http’ module in Node.js?

A. const http = require(‘http’);
B. import http from ‘http’;
C. include http
D. http = require(‘http’);

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.17 Which of the following is true about the ‘require’ function?

A. It blocks the event loop
B. It is asynchronous
C. It is non-blocking
D. It can load JSON files

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.18 How can you export multiple functions from a module?

A. module.exports
B. exports
C. global
D. process

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.19 Which object is used to manage modules in Node.js?

A. global
B. module
C. process
D. exports

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.20 Which of the following is a core module in Node.js?

A. fs
B. express
C. mongoose

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.21 What is a core module in Node.js?

A. A user-defined module
B. A built-in module
C. A plugin
D. An external library

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.22 Which method is used to import modules in Node.js?

A. require()
B. import()
C. include()
D. module()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.23 What is the main advantage of using Node.js for web applications?

A. High CPU usage
B. Low memory usage
C. Non-blocking I/O
D. Static typing

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.24 Which protocol is primarily used in Node.js for communication?


Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.25 Which of the following is a key feature of Node.js?

A. Synchronous execution
B. Single-threaded
C. Multi-threaded
D. Distributed

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.26 What type of architecture does Node.js follow?

A. Blocking I/O
B. Non-blocking I/O
C. Procedural
D. Functional

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.27 Which programming language is Node.js based on?

A. Python
B. Java
C. JavaScript
D. Ruby

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.28 Node.js is designed to handle which type of operations efficiently?

A. Synchronous
B. Asynchronous
C. Parallel
D. Serial

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.29 Which engine powers Node.js?

A. V8
B. SpiderMonkey
C. JavaScriptCore
D. Chakra

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.30 What is Node.js primarily used for?

A. To create client-side interfaces
B. To act as a DBMS
C. To build server-side applications
D. To enhance CSS

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.31 What should you check if an HTTP server in Node.js is not responding?

A. Server status
B. Network connection
C. Code syntax
D. HTTP version

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.32 What is the output of the following code snippet?
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200, {‘Content-Type’: ‘text/plain’}); res.end(‘OK’); });

A. Content-Type
B. 200 OK
C. plain text

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.33 How do you read the request headers in Node.js?

A. request.headers
B. request.getHeaders()
C. request.readHeaders()
D. request.httpHeaders()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.34 How do you write “Hello, World!” to the response in Node.js?

A. response.send(‘Hello, World!’)
B. response.write(‘Hello, World!’)
C. response.end(‘Hello, World!’)
D. response.print(‘Hello, World!’)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.35 How can you set the response HTTP status code in Node.js?

A. response.setStatus()
B. response.statusCode()
C. response.writeHead()
D. response.sendStatus()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.36 What does the response.end() method do in the HTTP module?

A. Sends headers
B. Ends the response
C. Sends data
D. Closes the server

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.37 Which event is emitted when the HTTP server receives a request?

A. request
B. data
C. connection
D. receive

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.38 Which method is used to create a server in Node.js using the HTTP module?

A. http.createServer()
B. http.initServer()
C. http.newServer()
D. http.startServer()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.39 What is the primary purpose of the HTTP module in Node.js?

A. To handle HTTP requests and responses
B. To handle file operations
C. To manage streams
D. To manage buffers

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.40 How can you handle errors in a stream?

A. Using a try-catch block
B. Using the error event
C. Restarting the stream
D. Ignoring the errors

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.41 What should you check if a readable stream is not emitting data?

A. Stream state
B. File permissions
C. Network connection
D. Buffer size

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.42 What is the output of the following code:
const buf = Buffer.from(‘hello’); console.log(buf.toString(‘hex’));

A. 68656c6c6f
B. hello
C. 68656C6C6F
D. 5a5a5a5a5a

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.43 How can you handle data events in a readable stream?

A. stream.on(‘data’, callback)
C. stream.write(‘data’, callback)
D. stream.handle(‘data’, callback)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.44 How do you create a readable stream in Node.js?

A. new stream.Readable()
B. fs.createReadStream()
C. stream.createRead()
D. new stream.Read()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.45 What is the difference between Buffer.alloc and Buffer.allocUnsafe?

A. Buffer.alloc initializes the buffer with zeros
B. Buffer.allocUnsafe initializes the buffer with zeros
C. Buffer.alloc is deprecated
D. Buffer.allocUnsafe is deprecated

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.46 How do you create a buffer of 10 bytes in Node.js?

A. Buffer.alloc(10)
B. Buffer.create(10)
C. new Buffer(10)
D. Buffer.init(10)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.47 What is a buffer in Node.js?

A. A temporary storage for data
B. A method to read files
C. A HTTP handler
D. A type of stream

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.48 Which of the following is a type of stream in Node.js?

A. Readable
B. Writable
C. Duplex
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.49 What is a stream in Node.js?

A. A way to handle I/O operations
B. A method for handling HTTP requests
C. A library for file manipulation
D. A type of database

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.50 An application experiences high CPU usage and slow performance.
Which phase of the event loop might be causing this issue?

A. Poll phase
B. Timers phase
C. Close callbacks phase
D. Check phase

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.51 How can you monitor the phases of the event loop in a Node.js application?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a debugger
C. Using process.nextTick()
D. Using event listeners

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.52 What is the output of the following code:
setTimeout(() => console.log(‘1’), 0); setImmediate(() => console.log(‘2’));

A. 1 2
B. 2 1
C. 1
D. 2

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

What is the output of the following code:
Q.53 console.log(‘1’); process.nextTick(() => console.log(‘2’)); console.log(‘3’);

A. 1 2 3
B. 1 3 2
C. 2 1 3
D. 3 2 1

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.54 Which method is used to defer the execution of a function until the next iteration of the event loop?

A. setTimeout
B. setInterval
C. setImmediate
D. nextTick

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.55 What is the primary benefit of Node.js’s event-driven architecture?

A. Improved security
B. Ease of use
C. Scalability
D. Compatibility with other languages

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.56 Which phase of the event loop is responsible for executing callbacks from setImmediate()?

A. Poll phase
B. Check phase
C. Timers phase
D. Immediate phase

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.57 What happens during the ‘poll’ phase of the event loop?

A. Execution of callbacks
B. Processing of events
C. Execution of expired timers
D. Execution of I/O callbacks

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.58 Which phase of the event loop executes timers scheduled by setTimeout and setInterval?

A. Poll phase
B. Check phase
C. Timers phase
D. Close callbacks phase

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.59 What is the role of the event loop in Node.js?

A. To execute synchronous code
B. To manage I/O operations
C. To enhance CSS
D. To handle database queries

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.60 An application crashes with “Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory”.
What should you check?

A. Disk space
B. File path
C. Node.js version
D. Network connection

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.61 How do you send a JSON response in Express.js?

A. res.sendJSON(data)
B. res.json(data)
C. res.send(data)
D. res.responseJSON(data)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.62 How do you parse JSON request bodies in Express.js?

A. app.use(express.json())
B. app.use(bodyParser.json())
C. app.use(jsonParser())
D. app.use(parseJSON())

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.63 How do you define a route for a GET request in Express.js?

A. app.get(‘/path’, callback)
B.‘/path’, callback)
C. app.put(‘/path’, callback)
D. app.delete(‘/path’, callback)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.64 What is the primary advantage of using REST APIs?

A. Improved security
B. Statelessness
C. Stateful operations
D. Enhanced compatibility with HTML

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.65 Which HTTP method is used to update a resource in a REST API?


Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.66 Which status code indicates that a resource was successfully created?

A. 200
B. 201
C. 400
D. 404

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.67 Which HTTP method is typically used to create a resource in a REST API?


Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.68 What does REST stand for?

A. Representational State Transfer
B. Real-time State Transfer
C. Remote Service Technology
D. Reliable State Transfer

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.69 How can you debug middleware execution in Express.js?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a debugger
C. Checking middleware order
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.70 What should you check if middleware is not being executed?

A. Middleware order
B. Middleware type
C. Middleware function name
D. Middleware parameters

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.71 How do you define error-handling middleware in Express.js?

A. app.use((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err.stack); res.status(500).send(‘Something broke!’); })
B. app.use((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err.stack); res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’); })
C. app.error((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err.stack); res.status(500).send(‘Something broke!’); })
D. app.catch((err, req, res, next) => { console.error(err.stack); res.status(500).send(‘Something broke!’); })

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.72 How can you handle JSON request bodies in Express.js?

A. app.use(express.json())
B. app.handle(express.json())
C. app.request(express.json())
D. app.json()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.73 How do you add a middleware function that logs request URLs?

A. app.use((req, res, next) => { console.log(req.url); next(); })
B. app.log((req, res, next) => { console.log(req.url); next(); })
C. app.request((req, res, next) => { console.log(req.url); next(); })
D. app.get((req, res, next) => { console.log(req.url); next(); })

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.74 Which middleware function handles errors in Express.js?

A. app.error()
B. app.use()
C. app.catch()
D. app.handle()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.75 What is a common use case for middleware in Express.js?

A. Handling static files
B. Routing requests
C. Logging requests
D. Rendering views

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.76 How do you define middleware in Express.js?

A. app.middleware()
B. app.use()
C. app.define()
D. app.create()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.77 What is middleware in Express.js?

A. Functions that execute before route handlers
B. Functions that execute after route handlers
C. Functions that handle file uploads
D. Functions that handle database connections

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.78 What is the best practice for error handling in Express.js?

A. Using try-catch blocks
B. Using error-handling middleware
C. Restarting the server
D. Ignoring errors

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.79 How can you debug an Express.js application?

A. Using a debugger
B. Using console.log()
C. Using nodemon
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.80 What should you check if an Express.js route is not working?

A. Route path
B. Route method
C. Route handler
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.81 How do you handle 404 errors in Express.js?

A. app.use((req, res, next) => { res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’); })
B. app.get((req, res, next) => { res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’); })
C. app.route((req, res, next) => { res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’); })
D. app.handle((req, res, next) => { res.status(404).send(‘Not Found’); })

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.82 What is the output of the following code:
app.get(‘/’, (req, res) => { res.send(‘Hello, World!’); });

A. Error
B. Hello, World!
C. Empty response
D. HTML document

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.83 How do you serve static files in Express.js?

A. app.use(express.static(‘public’))
B. app.serve(‘public’)
C. app.static(‘public’)
D. app.getStatic(‘public’)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.84 Which method is used to start a server in Express.js?

A. app.listen()
B. app.start()
D. app.init()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.85 What is middleware in Express.js?

A. Functions that execute after route handlers
B. Functions that execute before route handlers
C. Functions that handle file uploads
D. Functions that handle database connections

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.86 How can you handle HTTP POST requests in Express.js?

B. app.get()
C. app.put()
D. app.delete()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.87 Which method is used to define a route in Express.js?

A. app.route()
B. app.router()
C. app.getRoute()
D. app.setRoute()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.88 How do you create a new Express application?

A. express()
B. express.createApp()
D. express.init()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.89 What is Express.js primarily used for?

A. Building command-line tools
B. Creating web applications
C. Managing file systems
D. Handling HTTP requests and responses

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.90 How can you debug an HTTP request error in Node.js?

A. Use console.log()
B. Use a debugger
C. Check the response headers
D. Check the HTTP method

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.91 How do you handle uncaught exceptions in a Node.js application?

A. Using try-catch blocks
B. Using process.on(‘uncaughtException’, callback)
C. Using a promise
D. Using setTimeout

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.92 How do you propagate an error in a callback function in Node.js?

A. return error
B. throw error
C. next(error)
D. process.exit(1)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.93 How do you handle errors in an Express.js middleware function?

A. Using try-catch blocks
B. Using if-else statements
C. Using error-handling middleware
D. Using callbacks

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.94 How do you define a custom error in Node.js?

A. throw new Error(‘message’)
B. console.error(‘message’)
C. process.exit(1)
D. return new Error(‘message’)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.95 What is the purpose of a try-catch block in JavaScript?

A. To handle asynchronous operations
B. To catch and handle exceptions
C. To manage HTTP requests
D. To handle database queries

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.96 Which module is commonly used for logging errors in a Node.js application?

A. fs
B. path
C. winston
D. http

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.97 What is the primary purpose of error handling in Node.js?

A. To manage database connections
B. To handle HTTP requests
C. To catch and manage runtime errors
D. To improve performance

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.98 How can you debug issues with Passport.js authentication?

A. Check strategy configuration
B. Check middleware order
C. Check session settings
D. Check callback URL

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.99 What should you check if JWT authentication fails in your application?

A. Token expiry
B. Token signature
C. User permissions
D. Token payload

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.100 How do you use Passport.js to authenticate users with Google OAuth?

A. passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(…));
B. passport.use(new OAuthStrategy(…));
C. passport.use(new GoogleAuth(…));
D. passport.use(new AuthStrategy(…));

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.101 How do you protect a route using JWT in Express.js?

A. app.use(jwtAuth);
B. app.get(‘/protected’, jwtAuth, (req, res) => {…});
C. app.use(jwtAuth());
D. app.get(‘/protected’, (req, res) => { jwtAuth(); … });

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.102 How do you initialize Passport.js in an Express.js application?

A. app.use(passport.init());
B. app.use(passport.start());
C. app.use(passport.initialize());
D. app.use(passport.begin());

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.103 What is the purpose of the Passport.js library in a Node.js application?

A. To manage database connections
B. To handle routing
C. To authenticate requests
D. To parse JSON bodies

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.104 What is the main advantage of using OAuth for authentication?

A. Simplicity
B. Improved security
C. Speed
D. Ease of use

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.105 Which of the following is a common strategy for implementing authentication in Express.js applications?

A. OAuth
C. Session-based
D. Cookie-based

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.106 What is the primary purpose of JWT (JSON Web Token) in authentication?

A. To store session data
B. To encrypt passwords
C. To transmit information securely
D. To manage user roles

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.107 How can you debug database queries in Mongoose?

A. Using a debugger
B. Using mongoose.set(‘debug’, true)
C. Checking model definitions
D. Checking schema definitions

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.108 What should you check if a MongoDB connection fails in Mongoose?

A. Connection string
B. Model definition
C. Schema validation
D. Middleware

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.109 How do you update an existing document in Mongoose?

A. Model.update(query, update)
B. Model.updateOne(query, update)
C. Model.modify(query, update)
D. Model.change(query, update)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.110 How do you save a new document to a MongoDB collection using Mongoose?

A. const doc = new Model(data);;
B. Model.insert(data);
C. Model.create(data);
D. const doc = new Model(data); doc.insert();

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q111 How do you define a schema in Mongoose?

A. new mongoose.Schema()
B. mongoose.createSchema()
C. mongoose.initSchema()
D. new Schema()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.112 What is the purpose of model validation in Mongoose?

A. To validate JavaScript code
B. To ensure data integrity
C. To check database connection
D. To manage middleware

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.113 What is a schema in Mongoose?

A. A function to run database queries
B. A middleware function
C. A blueprint for defining the structure of a document
D. A method for connecting to the database

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.114 Which method is used to save a document to a MongoDB collection in Mongoose?

A. save
B. insert
C. create
D. update

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.115 What does the mongoose.connect() method do?

A. Closes the database connection
B. Opens a new database connection
C. Runs a database query
D. Initializes the Mongoose library

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.116 Which module is commonly used for MongoDB integration in Node.js?

A. mongoose
B. mysql
C. sequelize
D. pg

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.117 What is a common cause of CORS errors in REST APIs?

A. Incorrect URL
B. Invalid JSON
C. Cross-origin requests
D. Server overload

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.118 How can you debug a REST API request in Node.js?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a debugger
C. Using Postman
D. Checking network tab in browser

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.119 What should you check if a REST API is not returning the expected data?

A. API endpoint
B. HTTP method
C. Request payload
D. Response format

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.120 How do you handle errors in a REST API using Express.js?

A. app.use((err, req, res, next) => { res.status(500).json({ error: err.message }); })
B. app.use((req, res, next) => { res.status(500).json({ error: ‘Server error’ }); })
C. app.use((req, res, next) => { res.json({ error: ‘Server error’ }); })
D. app.use((err, req, res, next) => { res.send({ error: ‘Server error’ }); })

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.121 What is the best practice for handling environment variables in a Node.js application?

A. Hardcoding them in the application
B. Storing them in a .env file
C. Passing them as command-line arguments
D. Storing them in a database

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.122 How can you monitor the performance of a deployed Node.js application?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using monitoring tools like New Relic or Datadog
C. Using a debugger
D. Using npm scripts

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.123  What should you check if a deployed Node.js application is not responding?

A. Application logs
B. Database connection
C. Network configuration
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.124 How do you create a Dockerfile for a Node.js application?

A. FROM node:latest
B. COPY package*.json ./
C. RUN npm install
D. CMD [“node”, “app.js”]

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.125 How do you start a Node.js application with PM2?

A. pm2 init app.js
B. pm2 start app.js
C. pm2 run app.js
D. pm2 serve app.js

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.126 What is a key benefit of using a reverse proxy like Nginx with a Node.js application?

A. To handle static files
B. To balance load and improve scalability
C. To manage database connections
D. To write application code

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.127 What is the purpose of using a process manager like PM2?

A. To write application code
B. To handle database operations
C. To manage application processes
D. To create user interfaces

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.128 Which of the following is a common method for deploying Node.js applications?

C. Docker

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.129 What is the primary purpose of deploying a Node.js application?

A. To run the application in a production environment
B. To improve development speed
C. To manage database connections
D. To handle HTTP requests

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.130 What is the best practice for writing test cases in Node.js?

A. Writing long and complex tests
B. Testing multiple functionalities in one test
C. Writing small and focused tests
D. Ignoring edge cases

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.131 How can you debug a failing test case in Node.js?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a debugger
C. Using a testing framework
D. Using process.exit()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.132 What should you do if a test case fails unexpectedly?

A. Check the test logic
B. Check the implementation code
C. Check the test environment
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.133 How do you mock a function using Sinon?

A. sinon.mock(functionName)
B. sinon.stub(object, ‘method’)
C. sinon.spy(functionName)
D. sinon.fake(functionName)

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.134 How do you write a simple test case using Mocha?

A. describe(‘test’, function() { it(‘should pass’, function() { assert(true); }); });
B. test(‘should pass’, function() { assert(true); });
C. mocha(‘test’, function() { it(‘should pass’, function() { assert(true); }); });
D. describe(‘test’, function() { test(‘should pass’, function() { assert(true); }); });

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.135 What is the advantage of using assertion libraries in testing?

A. To improve performance
B. To provide descriptive error messages
C. To manage HTTP requests
D. To handle file operations

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.136 What is the purpose of a test runner in Node.js?

A. To execute test cases
B. To handle HTTP requests
C. To manage database connections
D. To debug code

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.137 Which testing framework is commonly used in Node.js applications?

A. React
B. Express
C. Mocha
D. Nginx

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.138 What is the primary purpose of testing in Node.js applications?

A. To improve performance
B. To find and fix bugs
C. To manage database connections
D. To handle HTTP requests

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.139 What is the best practice for logging in a Node.js application?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a logging library
C. Using error-handling middleware
D. Using process.stdout

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.140 How can you debug memory leaks in a Node.js application?

A. Using a debugger
B. Using heap snapshots
C. Using CPU profiles
D. Using process.exit()

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.141 What should you check if a Node.js application is running slowly?

A. Memory usage
B. CPU usage
C. I/O operations
D. All of these

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.142 How do you capture a CPU profile in Node.js?

A. node –prof app.js
B. node –inspect app.js
C. node –cpu app.js
D. node –profile app.js

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.143 How do you start the Node.js inspector?

A. node inspect app.js
B. node debug app.js
C. node start app.js
D. node profiler app.js

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.144 Which tool can be used to visualize the performance profile of a Node.js application?

A. npm
B. node-gyp
C. chrome-devtools
D. express

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . C 

Q.145 What is the V8 profiler used for in Node.js?

A. To profile JavaScript execution
B. To debug HTTP requests
C. To manage file operations
D. To handle database connections

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.146 Which built-in Node.js module is used for debugging?

A. fs
B. util
C. path
D. inspector

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . D 

Q.147 What is the primary purpose of profiling in Node.js?

A. To improve security
B. To analyze performance
C. To handle HTTP requests
D. To manage database connections

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.148 What is the best practice for handling promise rejections in Node.js?

A. Using .catch() method
B. Using try-catch block
C. Using .then() method
D. Ignoring rejections

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 

Q.149 How can you debug an error that occurs in a Node.js application?

A. Using console.log()
B. Using a debugger
C. Using logging libraries
D. Using all of these methods

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . B 

Q.150 What should you check if an Express.js application is not handling errors properly?

A. Middleware order
B. Route definitions
C. Database connections
D. Server configuration

Shw me The Right Answer

Answer . A 


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