Style Cascade & Inheritance

In the realm of web development, understanding the concepts of style cascade and inheritance is crucial for crafting cohesive and maintainable CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) code. These concepts govern how styles are applied to HTML elements within a document, influencing the appearance and layout of web pages. Let’s delve into each of these concepts to gain a comprehensive understanding of their significance.

Style Cascade

The term “cascade” in CSS refers to the process by which multiple style rules are applied to an element, with each rule potentially overriding or augmenting the styles defined by previous rules. The cascade operates according to a specific set of rules, known as the “cascade hierarchy,” which determines the precedence of styles in cases of conflict.


One of the primary factors that determine the precedence of style rules is specificity. Specificity is a measure of how specific a selector is in targeting elements within the document. CSS selectors with higher specificity override those with lower specificity.

For example, a style rule targeting an element by its ID (#example) will typically have higher specificity than a rule targeting the same element by its class (.example), and will thus take precedence in the cascade.


Another aspect of the cascade hierarchy is the importance of style rules. CSS provides a mechanism for assigning importance to rules using the !important declaration. Styles marked as !important will override other rules, regardless of specificity.

However, it’s generally considered best practice to use !important sparingly, as excessive use can lead to code that is difficult to maintain and debug.

Source Order

In cases where specificity and importance are equal, the order in which style rules appear in the CSS file determines their precedence. Rules defined later in the document override conflicting rules defined earlier.


Inheritance is the mechanism by which styles applied to parent elements are propagated to their child elements within the document tree. This means that certain CSS properties specified on a parent element will automatically apply to its descendants unless explicitly overridden.

Inheritable Properties

Not all CSS properties are inheritable; only a subset of properties, such as font-related properties (font-family, font-size, font-weight, etc.), text-related properties (color, line-height, text-align, etc.), and a few others, are inherited by default.

Controlling Inheritance

While inheritance can be a convenient way to propagate styles across an entire document, there are cases where it may be necessary to prevent or override inheritance for specific elements. CSS provides the inherit and initial keywords to control inheritance explicitly.

  • The inherit keyword forces an element to inherit the computed value of a property from its parent, even if the property is not normally inherited.
  • The initial keyword resets a property to its initial value, effectively breaking the inheritance chain.


In summary, style cascade and inheritance are fundamental concepts in CSS that govern how styles are applied and propagated throughout a document. By understanding these concepts and their implications, web developers can create more flexible, maintainable, and consistent stylesheets, ultimately enhancing the design and usability of their websites.

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